Student Loan Debt Student loan debt can be one of the most daunting there is. The debt often comes due just a short time after graduation when a person is faced with a variety of stress and pressure to find a job and begin their adult life. It also tends to be tens of thousands […]
R. Flay Cabiness, II, P.C. Georgia Lawyer Blog
4 Bankruptcy Myths Bankruptcy has become more widely accepted, but it is still not without stigma. There are plenty of myths out there and far too many of these myths are accepted as truth about bankruptcy. People hear the myths and allow themselves to be fooled into not filing or postponing filing. This can end […]
Avoid Bankruptcy Fraud Most people think of fraud – especially fraud related to financial matters – as something committed by criminals. A person intends to break the law, they break the law, and if everything works out as it should they are punished for their wrongdoing and justice is served. But did you know that […]
Avoiding Mistakes in Bankruptcy Bankruptcy can provide the relief you need when you are drowning in debt, but only if it’s done properly. Too many people leap into bankruptcy only to discover things don’t turn out as they’d hoped. Filing for bankruptcy has specific requirements and when your obligations are not met, the discharge available […]
How does Bankruptcy Affect Personal Belongings One of the biggest concerns people have when considering bankruptcy is losing everything they own. It’s likely something you’ve considered if you’re struggling financially. The truth is filing for bankruptcy can put some of the things you own at risk, but you aren’t going to lose all of your […]
Bankruptcy and Foreclosure: This Chapter 13 Solution May Help Everyday people receive notice of pending foreclosure on their home. Even if they’ve done everything they can to keep their payments in good standing, keeping up can be difficult. If you own a home, you already know how difficult it can be to afford to pay […]
Healthcare Bills and Bankruptcy Medical bills are one of the primary causes of bankruptcy. Whether you’re dealing with a chronic illness and over time the cost has ballooned, or you experienced an unexpected health emergency, medical expenses can be astronomical and throw even the most conservative financial plan off track. Many people dealing with financial […]
Bankruptcy Fraud Frequently Asked Questions Bankruptcy can be denied for a variety of reasons and fraud is one of the most common. Any time the court suspects someone has attempted to hide assets or income or has not been 100 percent transparent regarding their financial situation, they can dismiss the case with accusations of fraud. […]