Someone filing for bankruptcy must be completely transparent about their financial situation. Failing to do so and hiding assets in bankruptcy leads to serious legal issues. It also destroys your chance of debt discharge and overall success when you file for bankruptcy. As uncomfortable and embarrassing as it might be, everyone filing for bankruptcy must […]
R. Flay Cabiness, II, P.C. Georgia Lawyer Blog
One of the biggest concerns people have is how to protect assets from bankruptcy when filing. Bankruptcy offers several benefits to those who opt to file, but these benefits are in exchange for turning control of assets over to the bankruptcy court and the trustee appointed to the case. The trustee has the power to […]
How important is it to fix mistakes on my credit report? Past due accounts and other financial mistakes that appear on your credit report negatively impact your score. The lower your score the less likely companies are to extend you credit and grant access to leases, loans, and other financial tools. It’s important to do […]
Just about everything that happens in your life affects your spouse. Even if there is no direct effect, spouses are indirectly affected by things occurring in their partner’s life. Bankruptcy emotions almost always affect a person’s marriage. The choices you make and the things that happen to you affect your marriage whether you want them […]
Most parents put their child’s well-being ahead of everything else. But despite their best intentions, financial issues can interfere with the ability to provide for a child. When money issues arise, many parents wonder “does bankruptcy cover child support?” One of the first things a parent relying on or providing child support questions when considering […]
How Do You Know When to File for Bankruptcy For most people, filing for bankruptcy is a last resort. It happens when it needs to happen. Unfortunately, this backs people into a corner. The risk of something going wrong when you have no choice about when to file is higher. For some people, this means […]