If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, you are probably wondering what will happen to your credit cards. A common question that many people have is whether they can keep one credit card during the bankruptcy process. While the answer depends on your unique situation, in some cases, it is possible to keep one credit […]
R. Flay Cabiness, II, P.C. Georgia Lawyer Blog
Debt can be overwhelming and can leave you feeling like there’s nowhere left to turn. But when it comes to settling your debts, there are different paths you can take, two of which are bankruptcy and debt settlement. It’s essential to understand the pros and cons of both options so that you can make an […]
Giving up all of your assets is one of the most daunting aspects of filing for bankruptcy. Nobody wants to have to part with their hard-earned money and possessions. Fortunately, this is rarely the case when you file for bankruptcy. There are many ways to protect your assets, at least some of them when you […]
Foreclosure is a frightening and overwhelming experience. It’s something nobody wants, but for some, it’s unavoidable. Luckily, you have options. For some bankruptcy is the best route. Will bankruptcy stop foreclosure? It can, but it’s not always a simple process. When you’re behind on your mortgage payments, it’s important to understand all of your options […]
Financial troubles are incredibly stressful, especially when you don’t have steady employment. Many people wonder if bankruptcy is a path out of financial turmoil. But can you file bankruptcy if you don’t have a job? The answer is yes, although there are some considerations to keep in mind. Here’s what you need to know. Bankruptcy […]
Deciding to file for bankruptcy can be difficult. It is a complicated process that requires careful consideration and planning, especially when it comes to spending money. If you are considering bankruptcy, you may be wondering if it’s okay to spend money before filing. Here’s what you need to know: When Is It OK To Spend […]
What are the most important questions to ask before filing for bankruptcy? If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, you’re not alone. Hundreds of thousands of Americans file for bankruptcy every year. People who file range from those with low to moderate income struggling to make ends meet to people with significant income and/or assets and […]
If you’re like most college graduates, you’re probably wondering how the new student loan forgiveness program will work and what you need to do to qualify. Here’s what you need to know about the 2022 Student Loan Forgiveness Program. How do you qualify for forgiveness and what do you need to do? Check Your Eligibility […]